We are getting close to the end of the decade. During this decade we have seen more innovations than what we have seen during the entire S. 20. The world has changed significantly, however, the most important change we have experienced is the ‘pace of change’. We are living the fastest, most accelerated era during which significant changes take place every second.
Innovation will definitively be the most important competitive advantage of companies during the decade to come. Small companies will be challenged by open innovation initiatives of the largest; stricter regulatory frameworks in developed markets will challenge large companies. Becoming truly innovative organizations will be the challenge of top executives, who up to know have said that ‘innovation is a key pillar of their organizations’, yet in most businesses it is still not measured and rewarded. Everything that is important in a business it is measured. If innovation hasn’t been strategically directed and measured, it’s still not an important pillar to the business.
Insights are a key part of innovation. In this link happydecade you will find a presentation I created which has some key concepts that will need to be present in every aspect of a business to drive profits, as well as some trends on what’s next.
I hope you enjoy the presentation and, most importantly, I wish you a fantastic decade; a decade full of success in whatever way you personally understand it: love, life, work, money...
Happy Holidays!